One of the most fascinating applications of optics in this world is for the aerospace industry. From satellite manufacturing, to space station docking, to the optics on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Precision Optical supplies optics for a variety of aerospace applications. In fact, the first cornercube array placed on the moon’s surface during the Apollo 11 mission (LURE) consisted of cornercubes manufactured by Precision Optical. Aerospace companies continually come to us for demanding applications, where ultra-high precision and quality are essential. Our precision alignment cubes are a staple product for the aerospace industry, and will continue to be essential for precision datum alignment in space, and in the manufacturing of space-qualified equipment. Precision Optical is proud to support the aerospace industry and its efforts in continuing the study and exploration of the universe. Some of the programs we have been involved with include:
VLT, GMT, KECK, C3PO (Commercial Crew & Cargo) ISS, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, SHERLOC (Perseverance).