Precision Optical recently acquired a custom-designed Goniomat M5 XL from Vermont Photonics. This compact, high precision goniometer, manufactured by Moller-Wedel Optical, is ideal for making in-process measurements within our polishing department. The instrument’s optical aperture has increased height and depth relative to the rotary stage, allowing us the flexibility to inspect optics which have been “tooled-up” for manufacturing needs.
The manual rotary stage and intuitive software interface allow for opticians of all caliber to perform measurements with ease. The software, Goniomatik, has very powerful tools for inspecting beam deviation (i.e. deflection) via front-to-back image separation and index of refraction — measurements that typically require additional, precise hardware. Please see more details at
Like our TriOptics Prism Master goniometer, the Goniomat M employs an absolute angle measurement capability, enhancing the resolution of angle measurements. Combined, these instruments take our angle inspection capabilities to the next level. Used together, they greatly increase our quality, correlation, and calibration capacities.